Eric WolfThe Convincers in “Ring These Belles!”Such a concentration of villains had never before been assembled, in one spot, before the judge in whose hands their fates would rest. His…Feb 15, 20243Feb 15, 20243
Eric WolfBetty the Blur in “Sound of Wind and Limb”Henderson was emphatic about not wanting to get saddled with her again, even if she was a plucky and capable driver. “Forget it,” he said…Nov 28, 20232Nov 28, 20232
Eric WolfMoxie in “Hits and Misses”No self-respecting gun thug would want to be caught dead inside of Ladies’ Lingerie or Children’s Toys, on their boss’s time. Being caught…Aug 9, 20231Aug 9, 20231
Eric WolfDerring-Duo in “The Utah Caper”“I’ll say this for you, doll,” shouted the man with the pistol, over the blast of the air rushing past them. “You got some serious nerve —…May 1, 20233May 1, 20233
Eric WolfLee Jin in “Stalking, Hoarse”The trouble, on that occasion, began when Robert Attaway said casually, “I can look into it for you.” It was true that he typically…Jan 13, 20232Jan 13, 20232
Eric WolfMoxie in “Cruel Doubt”The last place Marko would ever have expected to meet the devil was in Saint Ronan’s Church. Even the New York police seemed forbidden to…May 3, 20221May 3, 20221
Eric WolfDerring-Duo in “They Went Attaway”Violet Cuesta was already having a rotten day — and in danger of it becoming her final day — even before a crazy pair tried their best to…Jan 15, 2022Jan 15, 2022
Eric WolfLee Jin in “Orange, Peeling”The second-story man turned out to be… a woman, of substantial temerity and aptitude. Not only was she able to determine, in the darkness…Oct 13, 20213Oct 13, 20213
Eric WolfMoxie in “Midnight For Everybody!”Nico Orsini’s last thoughts, as he faced imminent death, were of Myrna Loy, on whom he had bestowed the honor of being, “The greatest dame…Jul 30, 20213Jul 30, 20213