Eric WolfMelted into AirLa Ciudad de Los Reyes, the Spaniards had named Lima — City of the Kings. Ever since they had overcome Atahualpa, thrown down Incan rule…Dec 24, 20231Dec 24, 20231
Eric WolfDouble CrossingThe motorcade was coming into view, at the far end of one street, just as he decided at last to act. He spun on one heel, doubling back…Sep 16, 20232Sep 16, 20232
Eric WolfChronological OrdersEach morning, Nika Starek awakened from uneasy sleep, with a variation of the same thought: Has anything ‘gone to Hades’ out there? She…May 11, 20234May 11, 20234
Eric WolfReunion with the French FlowerThe Case Minister was quite right: something had to be done about “the Paris situation” — a masterpiece of euphemistic language, Ellis…Feb 10, 20232Feb 10, 20232
Eric WolfExtreme VioletAt least with me, he would claim, you know I’ll always be right on time, and as his colleagues got to know Pete better, they learned the…Mar 27, 20223Mar 27, 20223
Eric WolfCynthia of the Minute(s)“I’ve a hankering,” said Cynthia Merlo, as she put their baby down for his nap, “to fire off a letter to my long-dead Sal.”Dec 11, 2021Dec 11, 2021
Eric WolfMundy, MundiOne learns to be patient, after a time — no pun intended — toiling in the lower ranks of the Time Bureau. I was not blessed with a patient…Sep 9, 20212Sep 9, 20212
Eric WolfBecome Your Time of DayTHE END OF DAYS — proclaimed the hand-drawn sign, in garish, red-outlined lettering — IS DRAWING NIGH.Jun 8, 20212Jun 8, 20212