Starship Driver

Eric Wolf
5 min readApr 2, 2021

I was born without limbs. By this admission, I seek no pity, for I have mastered my profession, without them. Today, I am, likely, faster than anyone whom you have ever met — though not faster than some acquaintances I have made! The distances I have traveled should fit to boggle almost any Concordance citizen.

Sounds like a riddle, Captain Bunnag might quip— though, she must know me better than that. Posing mental challenges is not a forte of mine — even for the amusement of my shipmates. Indeed, my very nature is to provide solutions to mysteries. This has proven to be a great boon to my profession…



Eric Wolf

Inkslinger. Photographer. Earthling. Medium contributor (2021-?). Fictions of the Fantastic and the Mundane. Hello!